
Sederhanakan bentuk akar berikut square root of 112 b. square root of 216 C square root of 605 d square root of 800 square root of 5,000 f square root of 0.000121 B square root of 0.000000224 h 9 square root of 2+ square root of 72- square root of 578 i. 7 square root of 3+ square root of 48- square root of 768 j 9 square root of 5- square root of 125+ square root of 720

Sederhanakan bentuk akar berikut square root of 112 b. square root of 216 C square root of 605 d square root of 800 square root of 5,000 f square root of 0.000121 B square root of 0.000000224 h 9 square root of 2+ square root of 72- square root of 578 i. 7 square root of 3+ square root of 48- square root of 768 j 9 square root of 5- square root of 125+ square root of 720

Accepted Solution

Sederhanakan bentuk akar berikut square root of 112 b. square root of 216 C square root of 605 d square root of 800 square root of 5,000 f square root of 0.000121 B square root of 0.000000224 h 9 square root of 2+ square root of 72- square root of 578 i. 7 square root of 3+ square root of 48- square root of 768 j 9 square root of 5- square root of 125+ square root of 720 65047b3d94b20.webp