
A phone store employee earns a salary of $450 per week plus 10% comission on her weekly sales. A) What function rule models the employee's weekly earnings? B)If the employee earned $570 in a week, what was the amount of her sales for that week?

Accepted Solution

Answer:A) [tex]E(w)=450+0.10w[/tex]B) $1200Step-by-step explanation:Let w represent employee's weekly sales and [tex]E(w)[/tex] be total weekly earnings.We have been given that a phone store employee earns a salary of $450 per week plus 10% commission on her weekly sales. A) The total weekly earnings of employee would be weekly salary plus 10% of weekly sales.10% of weekly sales, w, would be [tex]\frac{10}{100}*w=0.10w[/tex] [tex]E(w)=450+0.10w[/tex]Therefore, the function [tex]E(w)=450+0.10w[/tex] models the employee's weekly earnings.B) To find the weekly sales in the week, when employee earned $570, we will substitute [tex]E(w)=570[/tex] in our formula and solve for w as:[tex]570=450+0.10w[/tex][tex]570-450=450-450+0.10w[/tex][tex]120=0.10w[/tex][tex]0.10w=120[/tex][tex]\frac{0.10w}{0.10}=\frac{120}{0.10}[/tex][tex]x=1200[/tex]Therefore, the amount of employee's weekly sales was $1200.