
A grocery store is having a sale this week. If you buy a 5-pound bag of apples for the regular price, you can get another for $1.49. If you buy a 5-pound bag of oranges at the regular price, you can get another bag for $2.49. *the regular price for a 5-pound bag of apples is $2.99 and for oranges it’s $3.99*Write an equation to find the discount for each situation using @ for the amount of the discount for apples and % for the amount of the discount for oranges.Which fruit has a greater discount? Explain.*multistep*

Accepted Solution

For apples we have:
 2.99 $ ------> 100%
 1.49 $ ------> x
 We clear x:
 x = (1.49 / 2.99) * (100)
 x = 49.83%
 The discount is:
 @ = 100 - x

 For oranges we have:
 3.99 $ ------> 100%
 2.49 $ ------> y
 We clear y:
 y = (2.49 / 3.99) * (100)
 y = 62.41%
 The discount is:
 % = 100 - y

 The apple has the highest discount because x <y

 @ = 100 - x
 % = 100 - y
 The apple has the highest discount because x <y