
a bridge currenly has 975 vehicles traveling on it per hour during peak time. a traffic engineer estimates that there will be 3.4%more vehicles traveling on the bridge for two years. How many more cars will travel on the bridge per hours during peak time in 2 years than are traveling now? Round your final answer to the nearest whole vehicle.

Accepted Solution

To determine how many more cars will travel on the bridge during peak time in two years, you will find what 3.4% of 975 vehicles is for the first year.

Add this number to the 975, and then multiply 0.034 times the new number of vehicles.

Here is the math:

0.034 x 975 = 33.15

This round to 33 more vehicles.
975 + 33 = 1008

0.034 x 1008 = 34.272

There will be about 33 + 34 (67) more vehicles on the bridge in two years.